Teaching Assistant History University of Alberta: Jan-Apr 2016: Basic Psychological Processes PSYCO 104 B1 & Principles of Learning PSYCO 381 B1 Sep-Dec 2015: Perception PSYCO 367 A1 & Theory and Learning in Comparative Cognition PSYCO 485 A1 Jan-Apr 2015: Designing statistics modules for the UofA undergraduate curriculum/Data collection & entry Sep-Dec 2014: Professional and Ethical Issues PSYCO 502 A1 & Theory and Learning in Comparative Cognition PSYCO 485 A1 Jan-Apr 2014: Basic Psychological Processes PSYCO 104 B2 & Intro to Clinical Psychology PSYCO 335 B1 Sep-Dec 2013: Basic Psychological Processes PSYCO 104 A1 & PSYCO 299/496/498 A03 Lab T.A.
Algoma University: Sep 2012-Apr 2013: Head Teaching Assistant, Advanced Research Analysis PSYC 3256 & Introduction to Statistics STAT 2126 Sep 2011‑Apr 2012: Teaching Assistant, Introductory Psychology I and II PSYC 1106/1107
Supervisory Experience I have supervised 23 undergraduate students at the University of Alberta.